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June 12, 2006 REVISED SPECIAL Joint Meeting - Finance, Pol COmm, Select
JUNE 12, 2006


The Special Joint meeting was called to order at 7:45 p.m. at the East Windsor Town Hall.

Board of Selectman Members Present:             Board of Finance Members Present:
Linda Roberts, First Selectman                  Paul Catino, Chairman
Kenneth Crouch                                  Tammy Sorensen-Duray
Gilbert Hayes                                   William Dove
Thomas Sinsigallo                               Jack Manette, Alternate
Edward Filipone                                 Noreen Farmer
                                                Dale Nelson
Mary Szabo, Town Treasurer

Police Commission Members Present:
Jim Barton
Lorraine Devanney
Linda Sinsigallo
Mark Simmons
Dick Sherman

Police Chief DeMarco

        The meeting was called tonight to discuss the financial status of the police department as a result of the Town Meeting turning down the added appropriation.  The budget has been looked at and some adjustments were able to be made.  The police department does have a balance of $96,526 and they need approximately $80,000 for payroll and some other utilities.  

        The Chief was asked to update the board on what was needed to make it to the end of the year.  An added appropriation of $104,070.72 would carry them comfortably to the end of the year even with the department being down two (2) officers.  The appropriation went down approximately $5,000.  

        The last breakdown that was requested was as follows:

        $85,000 from contingency fund
        $22,000 from the police private duty account
        $2,272 from the alarm account

and would be allocated as follows:

        $$7,000 to the clerical account
        $2,272 to the officers
        $78,000 to variable overtime
        $3,000 to vehicle maintenance
        $19,000 to gas and oil

the new request for $104,070.00 is broken down as follows:

        $79,798 from the contingency fund
        $22,000 from the police private duty account
        $2,272 from the alarm account

and would be allocated as follows:

        $7,000 to clerical
        $2,272 to the officers
        $78,000 to variable overtime
        $3,000 to vehicle maintenance
        $13,798 to gas and oil

$104,070 is the total that is being asked for now and is $5,202 less the original request.

Motion:  To recommend the added appropriation in the amount of $104,070 as follows:

$79,798 to be taken from the Contingency Fund account #1-01-50-8410-8-890
$22,000 to be taken from the Police Private Duty Fund account #1-14-15-0145-1-100
$2,272 to be taken from the Alarm Fund account #1-67-10-1025-7-798-1051

and appropriated as follows:

$7,000 to the Clerical account #1-01-15-2145-1-124
$2,272 to the Officers account #1-01-15-2145-1-125
$78,000 to the Overtime Variable account #1-01-15-2145-1-103
$3,000 to the Vehicle Maintenance account #1-01-15-2145-4-430
$13,798 to the Gas & Oil account #1-01-15-2145-6-620

        Mr. Crouch / Mr. Hayes

        Discussion:  Funds are available to cover the 6/15 pay date, this should cover all expenses through the end of the year.

        Vote:  Unanimous

Board of Finance –

Motion:  To recommend to Town Meeting the added appropriation of $104,070 as follows:

$79,798 to be taken from the Contingency Fund account #1-01-50-8410-8-890
$22,000 to be taken from the Police Private Duty Fund account #1-14-15-0145-1-100
$2,272 to be taken from the Alarm Fund account #1-67-10-1025-7-798-1051

and appropriated as follows:

$7,000 to the Clerical account #1-01-15-2145-1-124
$2,272 to the Officers account #1-01-15-2145-1-125
$78,000 to the Overtime Variable account #1-01-15-2145-1-103
$3,000 to the Vehicle Maintenance account #1-01-15-2145-4-430
$13,798 to the Gas & Oil account #1-01-15-2145-6-620

        Ms. Nelson / Ms. Sorensen-Duray

        Discussion:  It was recommended that the Police Commission makes sure that calls are made to voters for support at the Town Meeting.  Board of Education did it and it worked well for them.  It was also asked if extra measures were being taken to save money in the last two (2) weeks of this fiscal year.  The Chief advised that he has cancelled some training and that they are not doing anything, they have shut down and are not spending any money.  Overtime is not approved if it is not a public emergency and will not be incurred.

        Vote:  Unanimous

Motion:  To move to Executive Session.

        Ms. Nelson / Mr. Crouch

Vote:  Unanimous

Adjourned to Executive Session at 8:09pm

Motion:  To come out of Executive Session.

        Ms. Roberts / Ms. Nelson

Vote:  Unanimous

Special Joint meeting was reconvened at 9:05pm

Request for Permanent Building Committee appropriation –

        Requesting $19,604 for the Police Department renovations.  When they first went into the project they were already set back due to the air conditioners already having been taken out when they were ready to begin in end of June into July and it was very uncomfortable weather, had to be delayed 3-4 weeks.  

        The project was started when all the communication equipment was purchased and they could not fit it in the room it at the Police Department because it was in the way and the renovations had to be started.  Is now 85% done.

        The Broad Brook boiler and asbestos project is finished with $18,000 left over.  Want to use that remaining money toward what’s left on the police department renovations.

        The scope and the bottom line of the project increased over time.  It has been going on for over 1 year now.  Board of Finance is interested in what the original scope of the project was.

        Phase I - The project was originally to take 2 old air conditioners off the roof and put in 5 new ones for better control and costs.
        Phase 2 – To change the electrical system from a 200 amp to 400 amp system.

        Phase 3 – To locate all communications in 1 building and have it under lock.  

·       The dispatchers have a new area that the public can come in and access.
·       Records put in a bigger area
·       More offices for Sergeants
·       Evidence room – which is mandated by the State

The renovations made the police department certified – National Accreditation, which means that it meets the standards common throughout the country and reduces risk and we receive an insurance reduction, becomes nationally standardized.  Cell block and booking area – no escapes and now has panic alarms.

The project initiated approximately 5 years ago for 2 main reasons:
1.      Dispatch area crowded & ergonomics
2.      Cell area not ventilated.  If someone was maced, it would flow out to the dispatcher’s area.
The building was a school and was renovated to become a police department.  It was now renovated to take over another piece of the building and to have a public access front entrance and the renovations were done to last and serve our needs for the next 10 to 20 years.

Some drivers for the increases in the costs of the project were Katrina and the rise in gas and oil.  The original budget for the whole scope of this project was $475,704.06 and we still have some money left over, but it is marked to cover some bills coming in.

        When the original project came up, it never started, the concept started much small and then it grew and didn’t actually start until it was bonded.  It started off as approximately $175,000 and the scope changed and it went to approximately $350,000 and then the 3rd phase was added and brought it to $475,000 and was then bonded.

        Some of the issues they ran into were that there were no drawings on the building because it was so old.  Another was that they put in a bathroom and according to the architects there was supposed to be a sewer connection in the floor and there wasn’t.

Motion:  To approve the added appropriation of $19,604 for the Permanent Building committee account #1-42-55-2145-7-799-0113 from as follows:

- $18,057.66 from the left over Broad Brook School Boiler account #1-42-55-2145-7-799-0115
- the balance of $1,547.00 to be taken from the Contingency Fund account #1-01-50-8410-8-890

        Ms. Nelson / Ms. Sorenson-Duray

        Discussion:  These are not ballpark costs and this is it, the police renovations will be done.

Vote:  Unanimous

Request for Board of Selectman added appropriation:

        Request is for $19,400 for legal fees through June 30, 2006 due to the need to hire Pullman & Comley.

Motion:  To approve the added appropriation of $19,400 for the Town Council account #1-01-10-1015-3-350-0000-0 from the Contingency Fund account #1-01-50-8410-8-890

        Ms. Farmer / Ms. Nelson

        Discussion:  Pullman & Comley will not go away anytime soon, we are getting help from the insurance to pay for one-half of it.
Vote:  4-yes, 1-abstention
Town Clerk’s request for a transfer of fund:

Motion:  To transfer $480.00 from the Vitals account #1-01-10-1030-3-335 and $160.00 from the Postage account #1-01-10-1030-5-545 to the Part Time Salary account #1-01-10-1030-1-101-0000-0
$485.00 from the Microfilm and Records account #1-01-10-1030-7-799 to the Full Time Salary account #1-01-10-1030-1-100-0000-0 for a total transfer amount of $1,125.00.

        Ms. Farmer / Ms. Nelson

        Discussion:  Gold Star for the transfers.

Vote:  Unanimous

Selectman Year End Transfers:

Motion:  To transfer the June 30th available balance from the follow lines in the FYE 2006 Operating Budget to the new or existing lines in the Capital Non-Reoccurring Account:

Road Improvements account #1-01-25-3183-7-799-0600-2
W.P.C.A. Sinking Fund account #1-01-30-4220-9-960-0000-0
Ambulance account #1-01-20-5240-7-799-0602-0

        Ms. Sorenson-Duray / Mr. Dove

        Discussion:  The $25,000 was held back by Linda to be sure that they would pay their Workers Compensation.  They wanted the whole payment, but $25,000 was held back.

Vote:  Unanimous

Motion:  To transfer the June 30th available balance from the follow lines in the Capital Improvement Budget (1-01-55-9445-7-799) to the new or existing lines in the Capital Non-Reoccurring Account:

Broad Brook School 2K Bathroom account #0227-0
BOE HS Outdoor Track account #0230-0
Highway Trucks account #0375-0
Park & Rec Large Mower account #0583-0
Public Works Road Resurfacing account #0643-0
Public Works Salt Shed account #0645-0
Town Work Stations account #0731-0
Town GIS System account 0736-0
Treasurer GASB account #0750-0
WPCA Prospect Hill Drive account #900-0

        Ms. Nelson / Mr. Dove

        Discussion:  Some items are designated money each year and accumulate from year to year and take several years before expending.  Some projects had to get pushed back like school bathrooms because they couldn’t be done before school stared and had to wait until school was out.  The money stays in the account until the project is done, then it goes to CNR undesignated and is built up for emergency projects that need to be done.

Vote:  Unanimous

Treasurers Requests:

Left over money from the Purchase of the Reservoir Avenue Property from unexpended bond proceeds and has to go to future debt services.

Motion:  To transfer $176,555.96 of unexpended bond proceeds from the purchase of the Reservoir Avenue Property to the General Fund Balance.

        Ms. Nelson / Ms. Sorenson-Duray

        Discussion:  None

Vote:  Unanimous

Requesting to transfer $69,929 from the General Fund Balance to Miscellaneous Grant Funds 66 (Cops Universal).  The grant was over expended in 2 fiscal years (2002 and 2004) due to full salary and benefits that were charged and should have only been partial salary and benefits in the 2002 and the 2004 fiscal years.  The police department returned a surplus of $70,649 to the General Fund.  Full documentation is available through the Audit Report.

Motion:  To recommend to Town Meeting the transfer of $69,929 from the General Fund Balance to Miscellaneous Grant Funds 66 (Cops Universal).

        Ms. Farmer / Mr. Dove

        Discussion:  None

Vote:  Unanimous

Motion:  To transfer $9,698 from the General Fund Balance to the Dog Fund, Fund Balance.  

        Ms. Farmer / Mr. Dove

        Discussion:  None

Vote:  Unanimous

Motion:  To transfer $1,000 from the Tax Collector Part Time Salary line account #1-01-10-1040-1-101 to the Postage line account #1-01-10-1040-5-545.  

        Ms. Farmer / Mr. Dove

        Discussion:  None

Vote:  Unanimous
Motion:  To transfer $3.00 from the Treasurers Office Equipment account #1-01-10-1025-7-700 to the Treasurer Salary account #1-01-10-1025-1-100.  

        Ms. Sorenson-Duray / Mr. Dove

        Discussion:  None

Vote:  Unanimous

Motion:  To transfer $3.00 from the Treasurers Office Equipment account #1-01-10-1025-7-700 to the Treasurer Longevity account #1-01-10-1025-1-106.  

        Ms. Nelson / Mr. Dove

        Discussion:  None

Vote:  Unanimous


Motion:  To adjourn at 10:05p.m.   

Ms. Farmers / Ms. Nelson
Vote:  Unanimous

Respectfully submitted,

Lori P. Holden
Recording Secretary